Dymo LabelWriter News brings you the latest news on Dymo LabelWriters and other Dymo label printers. We'll also be adding users manuals, drivers and information about the entire Dymo range.

Saturday, 3 October 2009

New 'Dymo Time' Promotion - 15000 prizes!

Dymo have started a new promotional campaign for the last 3 months of the year, with 15,000 prizes to be claimed.

I haven't managed to get a full list of prizes yet, but it includes a trip to New York, 1 or more Apple IPhones, 1 or more Apple Ipod Nanos, and (probably thousands) of Sharpie Marker Pens. I'll post again when I get a full list of prizes and the quantites of each.

Every purchase of a qualifying labeller will win a prize (see site for list of the qualifying labelmakers).

On top of the promotion Dymo Label Printers are offering various other special offers, including: Free extra labels (in addtion to the ones that comes free in the box) on several label makers, and a Starter Kit worth £70 with every Labelwriter Turbo printer.

If you were looking for one then now's definately a good time to buy a labeler!