Here's the welcome return of an old offer - Buy the LabelWriter 400 and get a starter kit of labels, worth £69.99, for FREE. Offer is available while stocks last, and is not part of the cashback offer.
But now you have a great choice of offers - get a
LabelWriter 400 with Free Starter Kit or
LabelWriter 400 with £20 cashback plus and £18 discount!
The Starter kit includes:
1 x roll of 220 Suspension file labels (type 99017)
1 x roll of 220 Shipping/Name badge labels (type 99014)
1 x roll of 110 Large file labels (type 99019)
2 x rolls of 260 Large address labels (type 99012)
2 x rolls of 130 Standard address labels (type 99010)
1 x Extra label spool, for faster label changes (995964)